BullseyeCoverage Up Contents Search

Analog Devices

CrossCore Embedded Studio

Use the instructions for Eclipse IDE.


The integrated development environment cannot be configured to build using BullseyeCoverage. Build from the command prompt using a makefile as described below. This information applies to VisualDSP++ version 5.0.

  1. Create a makefile for your project using the VisualDSP++ menu command Project Export Makefile.
  2. Using a text editor, insert covc -i in front of all compiler invocations in the makefile. For example:
    file.doj: file.cpp
    	covc -i $(VDSP)/cc21k.exe -c file.c ...
    project.dxe: ...
    	covc -i $(VDSP)/cc21k.exe file.doj ... -o project.dxe ...
  3. Use the commands below to build your project.
    cov01 -1
    del Debug\*
    "C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\VisualDSP 5.0\gmake-378" -f project_export.mak "project_Debug"

Run-Time Library Built Automatically

By default, BullseyeCoverage automatically compiles and adds the run-time library run/libcov-analogDevices.c to compiler invocations that link an executable. This source implements the small footprint configuration. You can override this behavior by one of the alternatives below.

Saving Coverage

Add a call to cov_dumpData into your program. The output file BullseyeCoverage.data-1 is written with the functions in <stdio.h>. When running under the simulator, this file appears in the directory where the executable is located.

#if _BullseyeCoverage

Updated: 6 Mar 2018